The Ghosts In Our Machine

Reflections from previous Ghost-Free Journeys

The GHOST-FREE JOURNEY has been evolving since the summer of 2011. Following are reflections from some of our earliest participants.

I was worried about protein intake because in bodybuilding and fitness it is an essential part of the diet to build muscle, but I realize you can get the needed amount of protein and have more energy when dieting. I am now on a journey following Robert Cheeke, to prove to the fitness world, you do not need to eat meat to be healthy and strong.


July 7th, 2011 was a day that changed my life forever! It was a day where I started on a journey that changed my life and opened up my eyes to so many things. Things I knew, but didn’t want to really accept/see as truth … I can’t EVER see myself going back to the way things were!


I am now in a heightened state of awareness (in a healthy way), and this has made me a better person and perhaps even a more effective agent for change … For the Ghosts.


When my daughter sent me a link and asked me to try the ghost free journey, I thought why not. I had been thinking of trying to go vegetarian before that and then work my way towards vegan, but then I thought, why wait. This was a good time to give it a try. I’m still going strong. My husband is eating all of the meals that I prepare and has enjoyed them. However, he has not yet gone all vegan and that is OK – little steps are better than no steps.


all photo’s courtesy of Paul Hart


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